
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Why Use PASCAL ?

Why use Pascal

“A low level language is one whose programs require attention to the irrelevant.”

Pascal often comes under attack as a language which should be dead, or as a language not suitable for very much.

This document will discuss these claims and add latest informations about pascal as of 2005 and beyond.

What is Pascal ?

Pascal is a very clean programming language, which looks more like real languages in the sense that it uses real English words as keywords rather than random ASCII characters. This is important in understanding existing code as well as debugging because people don't read individual characters but whole words.

A common misconception is that Pascal started as a teaching language. While this is partially true, the associations are usually wrong; usually that makes people expect systems like Logo, limited playing grounds for children.

Pascal, like its predecessor ALGOL(-60), however was primarily designed as a language for formal specification and teaching of algorithms, mostly with future engineers and computer scientists as target. Contrary to ALGOL-68, an accent was put on simplicity. This turned out to be beneficial for compiler construction.

The initial Pascal dialects had a series of serious ugliness (like untyped procedure variables) that were quickly remedied, way before the language's prime time in the eighties. (revised J&W and early standardization trajectory)

Further modernization and facilities for interfacing to lower level systems were added to nearly every dialect. These weren't standarized back into the language mostly, but this was normal at the time (way before C and POSIX standards). However the dialects were not entirely random, and could be classified into two major streams, UCSD/Borland like and ISO standards compliant, with Apple creating a hybrid between the two (UCSD in origin, but incorporating most level 1 ISO features)

Over the years specially the Borland stream language has matured and gained all capabilities necessary for up-to-date large scale software projects (for example the Free Pascal compiler or the Lazarus IDE).

The particular strength of Pascal is that most of the developing time is spent on the program itself, contrary to C and C++ like language, where the developer needs to focus on managing the memory of variables or the structure of very basic things like passing parameters and returning them back again.

As a result, Pascal developers do not have to learn a new sub-language inside the same language, like C++, STL, MFC.
The Readln and Writeln effect

Most developers, who ever touched Pascal, did not like the language, because they only learned some very basic commands and how to write a more structured code than their mind was thinking at the time.

That is, why languages such as C and Perl, for example, have tended to win the popularity contests. While Pascal seems very basic and very minimalistic, when you uncover the true language, you find that it is much easier to create a program in Pascal than in C, Java and other popular languages. Even languages such as Python, that is popular and still remains structured, have many elements of a disoriented language. That issue arrives first of all from the attempt to create the most “perfect” programming language, that will be easy to use, and have the cleanest way to create things.

Google Adsense, How to USE it

How to Use Google Adsense

Google Adsense is an affiliate pay per click program that has taken the Internet by storm. There are a plethora of sites dedicated solely to Google Adsense. Google Adsense is a good way for a small Internet site owner to make some extra money. Using Adsense does not require any special knowledge, just a computer and a working web site.

Difficulty: Moderate



Construct a web site for use with Google Adsense. Google has a published criteria for the web sites they accept to the Adsense program. A good rule of thumb is just construct an honest and forthright web site that has legitimate purpose other than attaining revenue from the Google Adsense program.

Sign up for the Google Adsense Program having the following information available during sign up: website URL, website language, name, address and telephone number.

Submit the sign up information. Once all the steps at Google are complete and the policies are read, click the "Submit" button.

Activate the Google Adsense account. Upon account approval, an email notification will arrive. Click on the link in the email to activate the Adsense account.

Log in to the adsense account and obtain the HTML code for the approved site. Type in the username and password in the adsense log in box. Next click on the "Adsense setup" tab. Click on the "Adsense for content" link. Choose the "Ad unit" option in the next screen and select "Continue." And finally select the correct "Ad format" and then choose "Continue."

Copy and paste the generated ad code into the appropriate section of the web site. In the grey Google adsense box there is HTML code to copy into the user web site. Copy that code and place in the appropriate place in the web site.

By an eHow Contributor